Thursday, April 27, 2006

memories, part 3

Originally uploaded by mvandenb.
Susie Lamplugh's mother, Diana, worked energetically and creatively to campaign for greater 'personal safety' in the work place after her daughter was abducted two decades ago.

She suffered a massive stroke in March, and as a result has experienced an almost complete loss of memory.

Her husband Paul spoke movingly on Woman's Hour on Radio 4 about how he visits her every day to take her to the local cafe where he buys her a small bowl of ice-cream, a favourite before the stroke. She doesn't know who he is, but theirs is still a loving relationship, he said.

memories, part 2

lest we forget....
Originally uploaded by
'Why sleep with 100 women?' asked the interviewer in the Guardian's Weekend magazine. 'To protect myself a little bit,' answers jake. 'To make it not such a big deal. Part of it is trying to cram in as many memories.'

'Sex Now' by Decca Aitkenhead and Craig Taylor, Guardian Weekend magazine, 15.4.06


Funky Lights
Originally uploaded by flow14.
'I think we are our memories more than we are the sum total of our experiences.'

Martin Seligman, Positive Psychology guru, quoted in Time magazine.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

coiled spring

Originally uploaded by mikehutchinson209.
In a joy-filled run around the lakes this morning it felt as if I truly was caught between a world that is passing and a world that is to come. As the sun felt warm on my face, and with the blossom unpeeling almost before my eyes, I could sense more vividly than ever that God's world flickers and flashes into life right here, right now-but-not-yet.