Tuesday, March 14, 2006

following through

This way
Originally uploaded by Our Bold Hero.
Sometimes you need guts to follow the arrows to where you don't really want to go. Tom Fox of Christian Peacemakers was brave to go to Baghdad. His life brought life; his death is not in vain.


Blogger Mark A Savage said...

For once I'm not sure I agree with you, Brian. Tom Fox's life surely brought life to all who knew him while he WAS alive, and he certainly showed great courage,but what has his death achieved for his captors and others? Nothing, it seems to me, apart from once again emphasising the futility and awfulness of war, even for those who die in Christ.
So who did it bring life to?
Will it bring liberty for the other three captured with him? Can you be a peacemaker, and still be angry....
Unanswerable questions, maybe.

2:54 PM  

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