Thursday, March 02, 2006
About Me
- Name: briandraper
I'm a writer, thinker and speaker who hopes to provide an inspiring presence for people who want to be part of the solution, not the problem. I've written ‘Searching 4 Faith’ (Lion), and am writing a new book as we speak about Spiritual Intelligence. I present Thought for the Day on Radio 4, and I'm an associate lecturer at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. I call my work 'Echosounder' because it's about finding treasure below the surface of our lives.
Now that IS faith, Brian! Seems pretty unlikely to me, but greater things have happened: who would ever have though the Berlin Wall would fall, or communist states topple, or multi-racial rule prevail in South Africa.
The substance of things unseen indeed.
PS to my previous comment. Anybody needing any more evidence of the current obscenity of this insult to humanity should use listen again at to hear the 08.10 "interview" on the Today programme which their journalist- who would never have been allowed into Guantanamo- obtained through a clever arrangement with a legal adviser. This clearly has its limitations, but its still a great piece of journalism.
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