Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by atanas.
I just did one of those psychological business assessments... and found that I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to be labelled by corporate analysts.

However, my initial reaction - that they were wrong in their conclusions about me - is changing a little as I think about it more closely. And I've realised that this is partly what Malcolm Gladwell's driving at in his book Blink, and what the film Crash is also exploring powerfully.

Snap judgements have great power, but they can be powerfully wrong if we base them on presuppositions, prejudice and automatic 'association'.

So I think I'll step back, clear my mind and approach these 'findings' without presuming that I know myself better than others. And maybe I'll learn something along the way.


Blogger Brett Jordan said...

I reluctantly embarked on a Myers Briggs analysis... my result was INFJ (counsellor idealist) with strong guardian tendencies, which pushes me more toward the ESTJ, ISFJ, ISTJ & ESFJ area... although another test put me as an INTJ... a lot of the stuff was surprisingly close, and helped me think stuff through that i might not have otherwise for explanations of the types

10:55 AM  

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